GST No.: 37AAAJT1600P1ZW

+91 8554-275475


The Common man's Bank

Share Capital Loan

Interest Rate

As applicable

Click here to download application form

This scheme offers loans against pledged National Savings Certificates or Kisan Vikas Patra as primary security. The loan tenure aligns with the maturity period of the pledged security, providing financial flexibility to meet genuine personal or business needs.


Primary Security : National Savings Certificates or Kisan Vikas Patra in the name of the proponent, pledged in favor of the Bank by the issuing post office.

Collateral Security : No collateral security is required.

Amount of Loan : The loan limit depends on the purpose of the loan and the value of the security produced.

Margin : The margin varies based on the age of the savings instrument and the applicable table for financing.

Dividend : Depends on the profits of the scheme.

Tenure of Loan : The maximum tenure is the remaining period of maturity of the pledged security.

Contribution to Share Capital : The applicant must be enrolled as a shareholder by paying a fee of Rs. 300/-.

Entrance Fees : As per the applicable guidelines.

Other Charges : No additional charges apply for processing or documentation.

  • The proponent must be an Indian National, preferably residing in the area of operation of the branch where the facility is to be availed.
  • The NSCs or KVPs must be in the proponent’s name and duly discharged for the pledge.
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